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Today, on February 5, within the framework of the "Korean Culture" week, an exhibition of Korean-language literature was organized in the Fund of the Information Resource Center of Urganch State University.

Along with the students, the employees of the Korean Language Center also participated in the exhibition. All the literature included in the exhibition is intended for use by students of Korean language education in the educational process, and these are educational literature, fiction litera ...

Admin 2025-02-05.



Today, December 19, the staff of the Information Resource Center and the tutor of the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences N.Ramazanova jointly held a roundtable discussion on the topic "Life is a priceless gift".

"Life- held a roundtable discussion on the topic "priceless blessing". During the conversation, the most valuable gift for a person is the gift of life. Information was given that time consists of minutes that cannot be returned, and that it should be used effectively. At the e ...

Admin 2024-12-19.



Historical, scientific and popular works were bought for the information resource center and a book exhibition was held.

Today, on December 16, for students to study and read the rich spiritual heritage of our history, the great discoveries left by our ancestors and the world-recognized inventions, Jumaboy Rakhimov's "Mirzo Ulug'bek, the ruler who sought space", "Amir Temur, the great sta ...

Admin 2024-12-16.



An exhibition of new literature in Braille was held for blind and visually impaired students studying at the university in various specialties and areas.

During the visit of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the Samarkand region on February 10, 2022 and to ensure the execution of the tasks during the meeting with the activists of the region, the Center for Higher Education Development Research of the Ministry of Higher Education, ...

Admin 2024-12-06.



December 8, on the occasion of the 32nd anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a literary and artistic evening was organized on the theme "Constitution - our happiness".

On the occasion of today's date, a literary-artistic evening was organized on the topic "Constitution - our happiness commune" with the participation of students of Jurisprudence education, group 241-242, on the initiative of the staff of the Information-Resource Center. Student ...

Admin 2024-12-05.



Today, November 29, a preventive event was organized in the Information Resource Center in connection with "December 1 - AIDS Day".

ARM employees organized a preventive event in connection with "December 1 - AIDS Day" with the participation of students of the 245-Mathematics department of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. The doctor of the regional AIDS center N. Matchonov was a guest and talked with the ...

Admin 2024-11-29.



Today, on November 25, a roundtable discussion was organized within the framework of the "Student Book" project with the participation of students of the 242nd, 243rd Mathematics and 242nd Mechanics groups of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics.

Within the framework of the "Ready Student" project, the head of Scientific Methodology Department M.Bakiyeva, faculty librarian M.Bobojonova and librarian M.Yoldsheva participated in the round discussion and held a conversation with the students. Students were advised to discuss Mi ...

Admin 2024-11-25.



On November 23 of this year, a creative meeting on the topic "Young Reader" was organized with the participation of students of the Faculty of Philology and Art.

Deputy director A. Rahimov, first-class librarian M. Bobodjonova and D. Allaberganova participated in the meeting as guests and informed students about newly published literature and new works of art brought to the university base.Such meetings serve to further increase the love of students a ...

Admin 2024-11-23.



Today, on November 20, a round discussion was held on the topic "You are a piece of the heart, the flag of my country" with the participation of the head of the scientific methodology department M.Bakiyeva and the librarian of the faculty M.Bobojonova.

The department head of the information resource center, the librarian of the faculty, and the students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics had a conversation about the historical significance of the national flag and the fact that the flag is the pride and honor of every people and nati ...

Admin 2024-11-20.



Today, on November 18, a spiritual and educational event was held in connection with the 33rd anniversary of the adoption of the Law on the State Flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

On the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of the adoption of the Law on the State Flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a spiritual and educational event was organized by the tutors of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Urganch State University and an employee of the ARM of the Faculty und ...

Admin 2024-11-18.



Today, November 18 - in connection with the 33rd anniversary of the adoption of the Law on the State Flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan, an event was held by the ARM staff in the university's TTJ library No. 5.

ARM employees D. Khojayeva, R. Otajonova, Q. Rozmetovalar, adviser to the dean on women's issues of the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences K. Otaboyeva, tutors of the faculty took part in it, and discussed with the students the historical significance of the state flag, the flag they ...

Admin 2024-11-18.



On November 13, a round-table discussion on the topic "Book reading is a guarantee of a great future" was held at the Faculty of Pedagogical Psychology.

Z.Abdullayeva, tutor of the Faculty of Pedagogical Psychology, N.Nuriddinovalar, took part in the roundtable discussion on the topic "Book reading is a guarantee of a great future" for the students of the 22-01 group, ARM employees Allaberganova Dilrabo, ARM deputy director Rahimov ...

Admin 2024-11-13.



A book exhibition and an exhibition of students' handiwork were held at the Faculty of Chemical Technologies within the framework of the "International Tolerance" week.

In cooperation with professors and students of the Faculty of Chemical Technologies, a book exhibition and a book reading were introduced to newly arrived literature together with students' handiwork. ...

Admin 2024-11-15.



Today, tutors, students and employees of the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences organized a roundtable discussion on the occasion of "November 18 - the day of adoption of the State flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan".

During the roundtable discussion, the faculty tutors and ARM discussed with the students the historical importance of the national flag, and the definition of the flag as the pride and honor of every people and nation.Also, within the framework of the "Olympiad of Five Initiatives", ...

Admin 2024-11-15.



Tutors of the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, D. Masharipova, an employee of the ARM, and their students held a round discussion based on the works of Abdulla Kadiri's "Past Days" and Khalid Husayni's "A Thousand Suns" within the framework of the

1st year students of jurisprudence were held a round discussion at the 7th TTJ based on the works of Abdulla Qadiri's "Past Days" and Khalid Husayni's Thousand Suns within the framework of the "Booky Student" project.As a person gets to know books closely, he begin ...

Admin 2024-11-13.



Today, on November 13, tutors, students of the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences and H.Masharipova, an employee of the ARM, held a round discussion on the topic "Book reading - a guarantee of a great future".

A roundtable discussion on the topic "Book reading is a guarantee of a great future" was held with the tutors of the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences and the students of Chemistry, Group 232 and Biotechnology, Group 2, with the participation of H. Masharipova, an employe ...

Admin 2024-11-13.



A seminar training on free use of ProQuest dissertations and database was organized in the hall of the Information Resource Center for the 2nd year graduate students of the university.

The study of foreign information library resources was conducted by F. Urunova, head of the department. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global is the world's largest online database of full-text dissertations. This database contains about 5 million scientific works from more than 4,00 ...

Admin 2024-11-08.



Today, on November 11, a discussion was organized on the basis of "New poems" by Mahmud Toir within the framework of the "Kitobkhan Talaba" project at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics.

The head of the Department of Scientific Methodology, M.Bakiyeva, and the librarian of the faculty, M.Bobojanova, participated and talked about the collection of the newest poems of the People's Poet of Uzbekistan, Mahmud Toir, written in recent years, mainly praising the love of Motherla ...

Admin 2024-11-11.



"Constitution Corners" were organized in all faculty branches and student residences of the Information Resource Center for students to use the tools reflecting the ideas and main principles of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

There are regulatory and legal resources aimed at clarifying the content of the new Constitution, as well as a Braille constitution and similar special documents for blind students. ...

Admin 2024-11-07.



Today, on October 19, a seminar training on free use of ProQuest dissertations and database was organized for 1st-3rd year doctoral students of the university in the ARM Hall of Urganch State University.

The seminar was conducted by D. Kutlumurodov, department head of the Electronic resources and their use hall of Khorezm Region Information Library Center and F. Urunova, head of the Foreign Information Library Resources Department of UrDU ARM. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global is the ...

Admin 2024-10-19.



The Information Resource Center regularly organizes seminars on various international and local online platforms useful for university researchers.

In particular, today a seminar-training session was held for doctoral students and independent researchers on the rules of registration and effective use of the dissertation database of the National Library of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi. During the training, the head ...

Admin 2024-10-18.



On the occasion of "October 11 - International Girl's Day", a forum was held at the Information Resource Center under the slogan "Your initiative - for your future".

All female students of our University actively participated in the competition for the nomination "The best book-reading female student" within the framework of the forum. ...

Admin 2024-10-09.



At Urganch State University, a seminar-training was held by A. Reimberganov, head of the International Ratings Department, and F. Urunova, head of the Foreign Information and Library Resources Department of the Information Resource Center.

Doctoral students of the university were given seminar-training on academic platforms, including registration at and their effective use, and publishing scientific articles in Scopus journals. In it, the participants were introduced to the procedure and instructions fo ...

Admin 2024-10-04.



October 1 - a festive event dedicated to the "Day of Teachers and Coaches" was held

Today, on September 30, a festive event dedicated to "October 1 - Teacher and Trainer Day" was held by ARM employees. During the event, it was emphasized that the work of teachers and teachers, who are serving in the responsible task of educating the new generation, owners of new id ...

Admin 2024-09-30.



At the moment, the employees of the Information Resource Center of Urganch State University are organizing a fair in order to acquaint the students with the new literature in the university library.

Dear students, You can participate in the fair held in front of the 5th educational building of the university and get acquainted with new literature! ...

Admin 2024-09-24.



1st year students are getting acquainted with the Information Resource Center as part of the "Book and Reading" week.

On September 9-13 of this year, the "Book and reading" week is being held at Urganch State University in order to ensure the implementation of the letter of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation No. 01/15-368 dated September 10, 2024. During the week, meetings are ...

Admin 2024-09-13.



1st year students are getting acquainted with the Information Resource Center as part of the "Book and Reading" week.

On September 9-13 of this year, the "Book and reading" week is being held at Urganch State University in order to ensure the implementation of the letter of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation No. 01/15-368 dated September 10, 2024. During the week, meetings are ...

Admin 2024-09-13.



On September 13, a book exhibition was organized to introduce the 1st stage students admitted to the Urganch State University to the Information Resource Center.

In order to increase the interest of students of the 1st level in books, the staff of the Information Resource Center organized a book exhibition in all faculty buildings. Among them, an exhibition of books was organized on the topic of books and reading in the socio-economic, foreign philolo ...

Admin 2024-09-13.



On September 13, a book exhibition was organized to introduce the 1st stage students admitted to the Urganch State University to the Information Resource Center.

In order to increase the interest of students of the 1st level in books, the staff of the Information Resource Center organized a book exhibition in all faculty buildings. In addition, a book exhibition was organized on the theme of books and reading in the main building of the Information Re ...

Admin 2024-09-13.



On September 12, students of the 1st stage admitted to Urganch State University were introduced to the Information Resource Center.

Allaberganova Dilrabo Vafayevna, an employee of the Information Resource Center, introduced the students of the 1st year of the Faculty of Sports Activity, Pedagogy and Psychology to the rules of using the Information Resource Center, and explained the procedure for using the Information Reso ...

Admin 2024-09-12.



On September 12, students of the 1st stage admitted to Urganch State University were introduced to the Information Resource Center.

On September 12, 2024, the tutor of the Technical Faculty, Madrakhimov Otabek, within the framework of the "1st year school" of "Logistics" took the students of the 1st stage 241st group to ARM, and the staff of the Information Resource Center congratulated the students on ...

Admin 2024-09-12.



On September 12, students of the 1st stage admitted to Urganch State University were introduced to the Information Resource Center.

In order to familiarize the students admitted to the 1st year of the Technical Faculty with the university, the Tutor of the Technical Faculty Safarov Mahmud and the employees of the Information Resource Center Jumaniyazova Nazokat Matrasulovna, Duschanova Farogat Yuldashevnalar 241, 242 - TV ...

Admin 2024-09-12.



On September 12, students of the 1st stage admitted to Urganch State University were introduced to the Information Resource Center.

In order to familiarize the students admitted to the 1st year in the 2024-2025 academic year with the university, the 1st year students of the Jurisprudence department of the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences visited the Information Resource Center in the 1st study hall. The staff of th ...

Admin 2024-09-12.



On September 11, students of the 1st stage admitted to Urganch State University were introduced to the Information Resource Center.

Faculty of Chemical Technology, 1st year 241XTF, in order to introduce students admitted to the 1st year in the 2024-2025 academic year to the university. 242 YSTJ. 241 242 243.YSM 241 OOT. students of the course visited the Information-Resource Center to familiarize themselves with the study ...

Admin 2024-09-11.



On September 11, students of the 1st stage admitted to Urganch State University were introduced to the Information Resource Center.

In order to familiarize the students admitted to the 1st year in the 2024-2025 academic year with the university, the students of the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, Department of Ecology, 1st year, group 241, visited the Information Resource Center in the study hall of the Stud ...

Admin 2024-09-11.



On September 11, students of the 1st stage admitted to Urganch State University were introduced to the Information Resource Center.

In order to familiarize the students admitted to the 1st year in the 2024-2025 academic year with the university, the 1st year students of the Faculty of Sports Activity, Pedagogy and Psychology, Applied Psychology and Sports, visited the Information Resource Center to familiarize themselves ...

Admin 2024-09-11.



On September 11, students of the 1st stage admitted to Urganch State University were introduced to the Information Resource Center.

In order to familiarize the students admitted to the 1st year in the 2024-2025 academic year with the university, the 1st year students of the Jurisprudence department of the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences visited the Information Resource Center in the 1st study hall. The staff of th ...

Admin 2024-09-11.



On September 10, students of the 1st stage admitted to Urganch State University were introduced to the Information Resource Center.

In order to familiarize the students admitted to the 1st year in the 2024-2025 academic year with the university, the Department of Water Management and Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre of the Technical Faculty visited the Information Resource Center. ARM employees congratulated the 1st-yea ...

Admin 2024-09-10.



On September 10, students of the 1st stage admitted to Urganch State University were introduced to the Information Resource Center.

Today, on September 10, the students of the Technical Faculty, Cadastre Department, 1st year, group 241,242 got to know the 1st study hall and the computer room in the main building of the Information Resource Center. Students got answers to their questions. ...

Admin 2024-09-10.



On September 10, students of the 1st stage admitted to Urganch State University were introduced to the Information Resource Center.

Today, on September 10, students of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Agriculture, 1st year, got to know the computer room and study halls of the Information Resource Center in Student Residence No. 5. Students got answers to their questions. ...

Admin 2024-09-10.



On September 10, students of the 1st stage admitted to Urganch State University were introduced to the Information Resource Center.

Today, on September 10, the students of the 1st year, group 2401 of the Faculty of Foreign Philology, Translation Theory and Practice of English Studies, got to know the computer room and study rooms of the Information Resource Center in the Student Residence No. 5. Students got answers to th ...

Admin 2024-09-10.



1st stage students admitted to Urganch State University were introduced to the Information Resource Center.

Today, on September 10, students of the Faculty of Socio-Economic Sciences, Marketing Department, 1st year, group 241, got to know the computer room and classrooms of the Information Resource Center in the Student Residence No. 5. Students got answers to their questions. ...

Admin 2024-09-10.



1st stage students admitted to Urganch State University were introduced to the Information Resource Center.

Today, on September 10, students of the Faculty of Socio-Economic Sciences, Marketing stream, 1st year, group 241, got to know the computer room and classrooms in the Talabalr residence of the Information Resource Center. Students got answers to their questions. ...

Admin 2024-09-10.



A memorandum of cooperation was signed with the Central Scientific Library of Azerbaijan.

At the moment, the director of the Information Resource Center of Urganch State University H. Siddikov is on a business trip at the Central Scientific Library of Azerbaijan located in Baku, the capital of the Republic of Azerbaijan. A memorandum of cooperation was signed between the Central S ...

Admin 2024-06-21.



Currently, the director of the Information Resource Center of Urganch State University, Kh. Siddikov, is on a business trip to the Central Scientific Library of Azerbaijan, the capital of the Republic of Azerbaijan. H. Siddikov got to know the conditions

The director of the museum gave a close introduction to the ancient and rare literature of the history of Azerbaijan, the original Arabic copies of the old manuscripts of the 16th century, single-copy books in many languages, and political literature. Also, a trip was made to the gallery and ...

Admin 2024-06-21.



Today, on June 1, the Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation Sarvarkhan Buzrukkhanov visited Urganch State University and got acquainted with the progress of the construction works being carried out at the university.

Deputy Minister S. Buzrukkhanov, accompanied by the rector of the university B. Abdullayev, visited the construction works of the new library, which is currently being built in the main area of ​​the university. The rector gave information about the construction and creative works being carr ...

Admin 2024-06-01.



Today, June 1 - on the occasion of "International Children's Protection Day" at Urganch State University "Care for every child!" Under the slogan, a meeting was organized by the staff of the ARM of the university.

University workers and their children participated in the meeting. The library staff, talking to each of the children, gave them various gifts on the occasion of the holiday and spread good cheer to the children. ...

Admin 2024-06-01.



Urganch State Pedagogical Institute organized a scientific and practical seminar on "Information resource centers: activity, efficiency and future tasks" in connection with "Librarians' Day" on May 21.

During the seminar, the participants got to know the beautiful and quiet "Garden of Antiquities" and the small libraries established there. Employees of Urganch State University participated, and the seminar provided an opportunity for employees of both higher education institutions ...

Admin 2024-05-20.



On May 21, on the occasion of "Librarians' Day", UrSU Rector B. Abdullayev, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs S. Khodjaniyozov and Director of the Information Resource Center H. Siddiqov congratulated and awarded with thank you notes and souvenirs.

The library is the greatest treasure of the psyche of the human inner world. Libraries have long been famous as centers of science. Today, we live in the digitized age, when technology is rapidly developing, but the need for books has not lost its meaning. More attention is being paid to libr ...

Admin 2024-05-21.



The employees of the Information Resource Center, under the leadership of the director of the center H. Siddikov, visited the libraries of a number of higher educational institutions of our country and studied their conditions.

In order to gain experience in equipping the building of the new Information Resource Center at Urganch State University with modern and comfortable equipment, the employees visited the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, Tashkent Institute of Finance, Tashkent State University of Econ ...

Admin 2024-12-05.



Today, on May 7, the staff of the Information Resource Center of Urganch State University organized a book exhibition as part of the "Sharing Enlightenment" project.

Among the literature included in the exhibition, it should be noted that there are collections of poems written by the head of the Khorezm regional branch of the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan, poetess Gavhar Ibodullayeva, and members of the Writers' Union, well-known writers and poets ...

Admin 2024-05-07.



At the moment, a book exhibition is being held in order to introduce new literature to students at the Information Resource Center.

An exhibition of newly arrived literature is being held in the main building of the Information Resource Center and in the faculty libraries. New books brought to the university library are displayed, and students get to know the new literature closely. ...

Admin 2024-05-06.



Today, on April 29, the "Smart Reader" competition was organized by the library staff at the Information Resource Center.

According to the conditions of the competition, in the 1st stage, students participated in the essay competition on the topic "The work I love". Also, a question-and-answer session was held by the students regarding the 10 works selected in the competition. At the end of the competi ...

Admin 2024-04-29.



Today, employees of the Information Resource Center and students of the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences held an event on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the birth of the People's Poet of Uzbekistan Muhammad Yusuf.

Today, in the Palace of Culture of Urganch State University, students of the Faculty of Socio-Economic Sciences and the staff of the Information Resource Center organized an artistic evening dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the birth of the People's Poet of Uzbekistan Muhammad Yusuf u ...

Admin 2024-04-26.



Training courses are held in the information resource center to improve the skills of employees

Nowadays, in order to solve the priorities of the development of the information-library sector, regular retraining of library staff in the current directions of information-library work modernization and continuous information-library education is being carried out on the basis of improving ...

Admin 2024-04-25.



A meeting with famous state scholars was organized at the Information Resource Center

A meeting with state scholarship winners was held today in the Information Resource Center of Urganch State University with the participation of students of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Socio-Economic Sciences. A. Saparboyeva, M. Shomurodov and G. Qurbanova, students who received f ...

Admin 2024-04-20.



Today, April 19, at Urganch State University, professors and teachers were instructed to register and effectively use academic platforms, including Linkedin, ORCID, Google Scholar and ResearchGate, as well as a jury included in the Scopus database.

During the training, the head of the International Ratings Department, A. Reimberganov, familiarized the teachers with the procedures and instructions for using these platforms. At the end of the seminar, the participants received answers to their questions. ...

Admin 2024-04-19.



Today, April 18, in the Information Resource Center, in cooperation with the activists of the primary organization of the Youth Union, the restoration of physically worn books in the library began.

The main goal of re-correcting and repairing these books, which are our spiritual wealth, is to have more opportunities to use them and preserve them. This good action will last for a week at our university. ...

Admin 2024-04-18.



Tests for the university stage of the competition were held today in the computer room of the Information Resource Center with the participation of students who applied for the "Ilhom" award competition.

The test questions consisted of 50 questions covering masterpieces of our national literature, rich spiritual heritage of writers and thinkers, life and work of poets and writers. ...

Admin 2024-04-18.



Employees of the Information Resource Center began their work by singing the anthem of our country

Anthem - instills national pride, unique pride, and most importantly, love for the country in any person who has a feeling of love and loyalty to his Motherland. This national symbol embodies the past, present and future of the nation, as well as its adornment, dreams and goals. ...

Admin 2024-04-15.



Today, on April 13, the exhibition organized as part of the "Book Reading Week" continues with the participation of the Information Resource Center and tutors and students of the Faculty of Pedagogy.

Faculty of Pedagogy tutor N.Ramazanova, Head of Research and Development Department M.Bakiyeva, ARM librarians R.Atajanova, D.Khodjayeva, B.Rozmetova, D.Matyakubova in connection with the Reading Week with the participation of students of Applied Psychology 221-222 group , Z.Yusupova, S.Khudo ...

Admin 2024-04-13.



In the Information Resource Center, dedicated to the birthday of Amir Temur, a round discussion was held with the students of the 221st group of Architecture.

At the roundtable discussion, Doctor of Philosophy, Faculty of History, Urganch State University Assoc. I.A.Nurmetov, technical faculty education consultant T.M.Djumaniyazov and the staff of the Information and Resource Center participated. Amir Temur is a great person who was able to leave a ...

Admin 2024-04-09.



The exhibition organized as part of the "Book Week" continues

Today, on April 4, students who won gold and silver medals at the International (OMOUS - 2024) Open Mathematical Science Olympiad, held in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, and their scientific achievements, were presented at an exhibition organized by the staff of the Information Resource Center of Ur ...

Admin 2024-04-04.



"Book reading week" continues in the information resource center

On the initiative of the Information Resource Center, a weekly book exhibition was organized at the Faculty of Chemical Technologies. All professors and students of the faculty participated in it with great interest. Books from Uzbek and world literature are presented at exhibitions held duri ...

Admin 2024-04-05.



As part of the book reading week, a book fair called "Book Lifetime" was organized at the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences.

According to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On approval of the national program for the development and support of reading culture in 2020-2025" dated December 14, 2020 No. 781, the first week of April every year in the Republic of Uzbekistan ...

Admin 2024-04-06.



At the moment, the intellectual game "Zakovat" is being held with the participation of the students of the Faculty of Uzbek Philology and the Faculty of Uzbek Philology on the initiative of the staff of ARM.

On the initiative of the faculty of Uzbek philology and ARM staff, the intellectual game "Zakovat" was held with the participation of students of the faculty of technology and Uzbek philology. We bring to your attention photos from these intense game processes. The winning teams wer ...

Admin 2024-04-06.



Today, April 8, an exhibition of books and a roundtable discussion on the topic "Books and reading - a mirror of human spirituality" was organized in the Information Resource Center of Urganch State University as part of the "Reading Week".

Professors and teachers of the Uzbek philology and technical faculty, students, employees of the ARM and members of the writer's union took part in this meeting organized by the initiative of N. Jumaniyozava, an employee of the faculty of Uzbek philology.During the meeting, they talked ab ...

Admin 2024-04-08.



The display of books organized as part of the "Booking Week" was continued today, April 6, by the staff of the Information Resource Center at the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences.

At the moment, professors and teachers of the faculty and students are participating in this exhibition. This, in turn, allows them to enjoy and read different kinds of books from each other. ...

Admin 2024-04-06.



Today, on March 15, an educational seminar on accessing and using foreign sites, downloading literature, and using foreign sources for dissertations was held at the Information Resource Center of Urganch State University in order to increase the universit

Director of the center Kh.Siddikov and head of the International Ratings Department A.Reyimberganov took part in it and gave information about the h-index, which determines the recognition of scientific results at the international level. During the seminar, lectures were given on working wit ...

Admin 2024-03-15.



Today, on March 2, a spiritual and educational event "Followers of Zulfiyakhanim" was held at the Information and Resource Center.

Today, on March 2, the spiritual and educational event "Followers of Zulfiyakhanim" was organized at Urganch State University in cooperation with the Faculty of Foreign Philology and the Information Resource Center with the participation of French language students. A group of talen ...

Admin 2024-03-02.



Today, on February 14, in cooperation with the staff of the Information Resource Center and readers, they organized round talks and exhibitions of the poet's works on the occasion of the birthday of the king and poet Zahriddin Muhammad Babur.

In the held roundtable discussions, the students performed Babur's ghazals and narrations, stage shows, songs and dances revealing Babur's life, creativity, artistic abilities. ...

Admin 2024-02-14.



Today, on February 13, tutors and students of the Technical Faculty and the staff of the Information Resource Center organized a literary and artistic party on the occasion of the 541st anniversary of the birth of the horn and poet Zahiriddin Muhammad Bab

During the events, the life path of the great thinker and the essence of the concept of a perfect human being manifested in his works were remembered once again. ...

Admin 2024-02-13.



In cooperation with tutors and students of the Faculty of Chemical Technologies and the staff of the Information-Resource Center, a literary and artistic evening was organized on the occasion of the 541st anniversary of the birth of the horn and poet Zahi

During the events, the life path of the great thinker and the essence of the concept of a perfect human being manifested in his works were remembered once again. ...

Admin 2024-02-13.



On the occasion of the 541st anniversary of the birth of Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur, the tutors of the Faculty of Socio-Economic Sciences and ARM in cooperation with the participation of the 1st year students held an event on the topic "Founder of the Grea

During the events, the life path of the great thinker and the essence of the concept of a perfect human being manifested in his works were remembered once again. ...

Admin 2024-02-13.



On February 9, on the occasion of the 583rd anniversary of the birth of Alisher Navoi, our great grandfather, poet, thinker, statesman, and the sultan of speech, roundtable discussions and exhibitions were organized by the staff of the Information-Resourc

During the events, the life path of the great thinker and the essence of the concept of a perfect person manifested in his works are remembered once again. Alisher Navoi wrote ghazals in Turkish and Persian languages. His poetic works are more than 120 thousand verses. "Khamsa" is t ...

Admin 2024-09-02.



In the information resource center "The book is a rare treasure." MEDIA-TOUR was held on the topic of "Works on improving the reading culture of students".

Today, on December 20, journalists and bloggers from our region took part in this media tour organized for media workers. During the tour, the conditions created in the Information Resource Center of our university for the purpose of forming a culture of reading among young people were seen, ...

Admin 2023-12-20.



Today, on December 5, an exhibition of books related to the field of constitutional law was organized in the Information Resource Center of the Faculty of Chemical Technologies in connection with "December 8 - the Day of the Constitution of the Republic o

The works of our President and the newly edited book of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan were also included in it. Also, samples of handiwork of members of the club working at the faculty were displayed at the exhibition. ...

Admin 2023-12-05.



Today, the 34th anniversary of the granting of the state language status to the Uzbek language at the Information Resource Center is being welcomed by our team.

The event was held in connection with the 34th anniversary of the granting of the status of the state language to the Uzbek language by the Faculty of Chemical Technology of our information resource center. At the event, professors and students of the university greeted everyone with songs pr ...

Admin 2023-10-20.



Today, the 34th anniversary of the granting of the state language status to the Uzbek language at the Information Resource Center is being welcomed by our team.

The event was held in connection with the 34th anniversary of the granting of the state language status to the Uzbek language by the faculty of Uzbek philology of our information resource center. At the event, professors and students of the university greeted everyone with songs praising our ...

Admin 2023-10-21.



1st stage students admitted to Urganch State University were introduced to the Information Resource Center.

Today, on September 9, students of the German language of the 1st year of foreign philology got to know the Information Resource Center. Students were closely introduced to the activities of the Information Resource Center. Students got answers to their questions. ...

Admin 2023-09-09.



A book exhibition and event was held in the Information Resource Center on the occasion of May 21 Librarians' Day.

According to the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On further improvement of the provision of information and library services to the residents of the Republic of Uzbekistan", May 21 is designated as librarians' day in Uzbekistan. In connection with the da ...

Admin 2023-05-22.



Today, on April 26, the staff of the Information-Resource Center of the Faculty of Economics of UrSU organized an artistic party called "Muhammad Yusuf - the honored poet" on the occasion of the 69th anniversary of the birth of the beloved writer and poet

At the event, students of the 1st-2nd year of the Faculty of Economics were informed about the life and work of the People's Poet of Uzbekistan Muhammad Yusuf, and the poet's poems were told expressively. The event was held in a cheerful spirit, and at the end, souvenirs were given to ...

Admin 2023-04-26.



Today, April 8, the final festive event of the "Literacy Week" was organized.

According to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On approval of the national program for the development and support of reading culture in 2020-2025" No. 781 of December 14, 2020, the first week of April every year in the Republic of Uzbekistan st ...

Admin 2023-04-08.



"Book reading week" continues. Today, on April 7, within the framework of the "Book Reading Week" intellectual games were held in the building of the Technical Faculty.

According to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On approval of the national program for the development and support of reading culture in 2020-2025" dated December 14, 2020 No. 781, starting from 2021, the first week of April every year in the Re ...

Admin 2023-04-07.



Today, April 7, a roundtable discussion on the topic "Let's turn patriotism into a true belief" was held in student residence No. 2.

On April 7, a roundtable discussion on the topic "Let's turn patriotism into a true belief" was held with the participation of N. Ramazanova, teacher of the Faculty of Pedagogy of UrSU, and students of Applied Psychology, Group 202. U. Salayev, a teacher of the Department of His ...

Admin 2023-04-07.



Today, April 6, a book exhibition was organized by Masharipova Dilnoza Rahmatullayevna, an employee of the Information Resource Center of the Faculty of Economics, as part of the "Book Reading Week".

According to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On approval of the national program for the development and support of reading culture in 2020-2025" dated December 14, 2020 No. 781, starting from 2021, the first week of April every year in the Re ...

Admin 2023-04-06.



Today, on April 6, a book exhibition was organized in the building of the Technical Faculty as part of the "Book Reading Week".

According to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On approval of the national program for the development and support of reading culture in 2020-2025" dated December 14, 2020 No. 781, starting from 2021, the first week of April every year in the Re ...

Admin 2023-04-06.



Today, April 5, a book exhibition was organized in the main building of the Information Resource Center as part of the "Book Reading Week".

According to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On approval of the national program for the development and support of reading culture in 2020-2025" dated December 14, 2020 No. 781, starting from 2021, the first week of April every year in the Re ...

Admin 2023-04-05.



Today, April 5, a book exhibition was organized in the student residence as part of the "Book Reading Week".

According to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On approval of the national program for the development and support of reading culture in 2020-2025" dated December 14, 2020 No. 781, starting from 2021, the first week of April every year in the Re ...

Admin 2023-04-05.



Today, April 6, book fairs were organized at the Faculty of Philology as part of the "Book Reading Week".

Book fairs are being organized at the Faculty of Philology as part of the "Library Week". Students enrich their funds by buying books at low prices. Students are very proud of it and always suggest such fairs. ...

Admin 2023-04-06.



Today, on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the birth of the famous poet, dramatist, translator, literary scholar Qurban Muhammadrizo, the staff of the Information-Resource Center organized a literary evening on the theme "Homage to the Poet".

Poetry collections of the poet Qurban Muhammedreza "Flower and heart", "Yurak tiraganda", "There is a beauty in Khorezm", short stories and journalistic works "Falak's Gardishi", "Nurli Izlar", the novel "Makhtumkuli", "Sail ...

Admin 2023-03-25.



Today, February 14, is the birthday of Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur, a literary scholar, a skilled state administrator, a general, the founder of a great dynasty, a king and a poet, the pride of Uzbeks.

Today, February 14, is the birthday of Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur, a literary scholar, a skilled state administrator, a general, the founder of a great dynasty, a king and a poet, the pride of Uzbeks. In this regard, a roundtable discussion was held at the Faculty of Economics of the Informati ...

Admin 2023-02-14.



Today - February 9, dedicated to the birthday of our great grandfather poet, thinker, statesman Alisher Navoi, a book exhibition was organized at the Faculty of Philology of the Information

Today - February 9, dedicated to the birthday of our great grandfather poet, thinker, statesman Alisher Navoi, a book exhibition was organized at the Faculty of Philology of the Information.Professors and teachers, doctoral students and masters of Urganch State University participated in the ...

Admin 2023-02-09.



Today, on November 18, in connection with the 31st anniversary of the national flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan, events and exhibitions were organized on the theme "Flag of Uzbekistan flying over the world".

On the occasion of the 31st anniversary of the national flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan, an event and exhibition on the theme "Flag of Uzbekistan flying over the world" was organized today in the student residence. Employees of the Information Resource Center of Urganch State Uni ...

Admin 2022-11-18.



Today, November 17, in connection with the International Student Day, a book exhibition was organized in the main building of the Information Resource Center and in the faculties under the slogan "My student golden age".

On the occasion of the International Student Day, a book exhibition was organized in the main building of the Information and Resource Center and in the faculties under the slogan "My student golden age". Professors and teachers, doctoral students and masters of Urganch State Univer ...

Admin 2022-11-17.



Today, November 16, in connection with the International Day of Tolerance, a book exhibition "Uzbekistan-tolerant country" was organized in the main building of the Information Resource Center and faculties under the slogan "Enlightenment and internationa

Professors, teachers, doctoral students and masters of Urganch State University participated in the exhibition organized in connection with the International Day of Tolerance with their scientific developments. ...

Admin 2022-11-16.



On October 28, an event was held under the slogan of the unity of the youth of Uzbekistan. At the event, the employees of the Information Resource Center actively participated in the book exhibition.

On October 28, an event was held under the slogan of the unity of the youth of Uzbekistan. At the event, the employees of the Information Resource Center actively participated in the book exhibition. Within the framework of 5 important initiatives at Urganch State University, "Let's ...

Admin 2022-10-28.



Today, October 21 - in connection with the day when the Uzbek language was granted the status of the State language, a book exhibition was held at the Faculty of Pedagogy of the Information Resource Center.

Today, October 21 - in connection with the day when the Uzbek language was granted the status of the State language, a book exhibition was held at the Faculty of Pedagogy of the Information Resource Center. ...

Admin 2022-10-21.



Today, the staff of the Information and Resource Center of the Faculty of Economics held an event on October 21 - the 33rd anniversary of the granting of the status of the State language to the Uzbek language.

Today, on the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of the granting of the State Language status to the Uzbek language on October 21, by the staff of the Information and Resource Center of the Faculty of Economics, "You are my history, you are my destiny, you are my future - my mother tongue! ...

Admin 2022-10-18.



Today, Masharipova Dilnoza Rahmatullayevna, an employee of the Information Resource Center of the Faculty of Economics, gave a round discussion to the students of the faculty about the life and scientific and educational activities of Abu Rayhan Beruni.

Today, Masharipova Dilnoza Rahmatullayevna, an employee of the Information Resource Center of the Faculty of Economics, gave a round discussion to the students of the faculty about the life and scientific and educational activities of Abu Rayhan Beruni. Lectures were held on the topics " ...

Admin 2022-10-11.



Today, the tutors of the Faculty of Bioengineering and Food Safety held a roundtable discussion for the 1st-year students of the faculty in order to promote the life and scientific-educational activities of Abu Rayhan Beruni and his great contribution to

Today, tutors of the Faculty of Bioengineering and Food Safety held a round-table discussion on the life and scientific-educational activities of Abu Rayhan Beruni for the 1st year students of the faculty. Lectures were held on the topics "Abu Rayhan Beruni's works and life path" ...

Admin 2022-10-12.



During the "Orientation Week" of the 1st stage students admitted to Urganch State University, the students were introduced to the Information Resource Center.

"Orientation Week" is held in order to help the students of the 1st stage Faculty of Economics, group 221, who have been admitted to Urganch State University, to adapt to the university life more quickly, to familiarize them with the projects and contests created for young people, a ...

Admin 2022-09-08.



During the "Orientation Week" of the 1st stage students admitted to Urganch State University, the students were introduced to the Information Resource Center.

"Orientation" is held in order to help the students of the 1st stage history faculty of history 221-222 group, admitted to Urganch State University, to adapt to the life of the university faster, to familiarize them with the projects and contests created for young people, privileges ...

Admin 2022-09-08.



During the "Orientation Week" of the 1st stage students admitted to Urganch State University, the students were introduced to the Information Resource Center.

"Orientation Week" is held in order to help the students of the 1st stage Faculty of Economics, group 221, who have been admitted to Urganch State University, to adapt to the university life more quickly, to familiarize them with the projects and contests created for young people, a ...

Admin 2022-09-08.



During the "Orientation Week" of the 1st stage students admitted to Urganch State University, the students were introduced to the Information Resource Center.

As part of the "Orientation Week" week, which is held in order to help the students of the 1st stage of the 221st group admitted to the Urganch State University to quickly adapt to the university life, to familiarize them with the projects and contests created for young people, and ...

Admin 2022-09-07.



During the "Orientation Week" of the 1st stage students admitted to Urganch State University, the students were introduced to the Information Resource Center.

Meetings of the management with students within the framework of the Orientation Week, which is held in order to help the 1st stage students admitted to Urganch State University to adapt to the university life faster, to familiarize them with the projects and contests created for young people ...

Admin 2022-09-06.



An event dedicated to "Librarians' Day" was held today, May 21, in the reading room of the main building of the Information Resource Center of Urgench State University.

Today, on May 21, on the occasion of the Day of Librarians in Uzbekistan, the staff of the IRC of Urgench State University organized book exhibitions, spiritual and educational events. Participants of the event, students expressed their best wishes to the library staff. ...

Admin 2022-05-21.



Today, May 6, on the occasion of May 9 - "Day of Remembrance and Honor" retired employees of the Information Resource Center were awarded by the trade union committee.

Today, on May 6, on the occasion of May 9 - "Day of Remembrance and Honor", Atayeva Munavvar-opa, who retired from the Information Resource Center, and a number of employees were awarded by the trade union committee. ...

Admin 2022-05-06.



An event dedicated to the final part of the reading week was held in the reading room of the Information Resource Center in the dormitory No. 2 of Urgench State University.

Today, on April 23, an event dedicated to the final part of the reading week was held in the reading room of the Information Resource Center in the dormitory No. 2 of Urgench State University. It was attended by university professors, IRC staff and students. The opening ceremony was opened by the ...

Admin 2022-04-23.



The Reading Week continues at the Information Resource Center.

Today, April 22, on the fifth day of the week at Urgench State University under the motto "I will donate a book to the school where my child studies", "I will donate a book to the school where I study", "I will donate a book to the faculty library" Actions and litera ...

Admin 2022-04-22.



The Reading Week continues at the Information Resource Center.

As part of the "Reading Week" held on April 18-23, the tutor of the Faculty of Pedagogy Matniyazova Maftuna and students of the group 191, 204 Primary Education held a campaign under the motto "I will donate a book to the faculty library" and collected art books in the faculty ...

Admin 2022-04-22.



Today, April 22, book exhibitions were organized at the Faculty of Philology of Urgench State University.

As part of the "Reading Week", book fairs are organized at the Faculty of Philology. Students enrich their funds by buying books at low prices. Students are very happy about this and always offer such fairs. ...

Admin 2022-04-22.



An event dedicated to Reading Week was held in the reading room of the Information Resource Center of Urgench State University.

Today, on April 22, an event dedicated to Reading Week was held in the reading room of the Information Resource Center of Urgench State University. On the fifth day of the week, actions and literary evenings were held under the slogans "I will donate a book to the school where my child is st ...

Admin 2022-04-22.



An event dedicated to the Week of Reading was held in the reading room of the Information Resource Center in the dormitory No. 2 of Urgench State University.

Today, on April 21, a reading week dedicated to Reading Week was held in the reading room of the Information Resource Center in the dormitory No. 2 of Urgench State University. It was attended by university professors, IRC staff and students. The opening ceremony was opened by the director of the ...

Admin 2022-04-21.



Urgench State University, Faculty of Philology hosted a reading week "Book-Knowledge Source".

Today, on April 20, the Faculty of Philology hosted a reading week entitled "Book-Knowledge Source". It was attended by university professors, IRC staff and students. The opening ceremony was opened by Bekposhsha Rahimova, Associate Professor of the Department of Uzbek Language and Lite ...

Admin 2022-04-20.



Today, April 20, book exhibitions were organized at the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Art Studies of Urgench State University.

Today, on the occasion of "Reading Week" in collaboration with the staff of the Faculty of Chemical Technology, Faculty of Arts and the Information Resource Center of the Faculty Book. en The Khorezm book exhibition and musical performances by students have been organized and are contin ...

Admin 2022-04-20.



Today, April 19, book exhibitions were organized at the Faculty of Philology of Urgench State University

On the occasion of the Reading Week, at the invitation of the IRC staff, the Book uz Khorezm bookstore visited the foyer of the Faculty of Philology. ALL LIBRARIAN STUDENTS AND TEACHERS, ARM EMPLOYEES ARE RECEIVING BOOKS. ...

Admin 2022-04-19.



Urgench State University's Faculty of Economics hosted a reading week entitled "My Favorite Work".

Today, on April 19, the Faculty of Economics hosted a reading week entitled "My favorite work". It was attended by university professors, IRC staff and students. The opening ceremony was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics Abdullayev Ilyas, who wished success to the week. The ...

Admin 2022-04-19.



"LIBRARY WEEK" has started at Urgench State University

Today, April 18, the opening ceremony of the week was held at the University Palace of Culture. It was attended by university professors, IRC staff and students. The opening ceremony was opened by the First Vice-Rector for Youth Affairs and Spiritual Enlightenment S.Davletov, who wished success t ...

Admin 2022-04-18.
