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Adabiyotlarni olish uchun ushbu manzilga murojat qiling va qidirish maydoniga kerakli adabiyotning nomini yozib qidirish tugmasini bosing, adabiyotning elektron nusxasini olishingiz mumkin. manzilga kiring.

Endilikda Urganch davlat universiteti uchun Web of Science malumotlar bazasidan bepul foydalanish uchun dostup berdi. Xurmatli foydalanuvchi bu imkoniyatdan faqatgina Urganch davlat universiteti xududida foydalana olasiz.

Urganch Davlat Universiteti ARDI xalqaro ilmiy maqolalar to`plamidan BEPUL foydalanish imkoniyatiga ega bo`ldi. Har bir tadqiqotchi, talaba kerakli ilmiy maqolalarini yuklab olishi mumkin. Login va Passwordni ARM dan olasiz


Urganch davlat universitetining axborot-resurs markazi nizomi va foydalanish qoidalari (yuklab olish)

Axborot-resurs markazi (ARM) faoliyati demokratiya, insonparvarlik, umumiy foydalanishga qulaylik, umuminsoniy qadriyatlarning ustuvorligi, fuqarolilik, shaxsning erkin kamol topishi prinsiplariga asoslanadi.

ARMdan foydalanish bepul, ARM tomonidan ko‘rsatiladigan pullik xizmatlarning ayrim turlari ro‘yxati, ular uchun to‘lanadigan haq mikdori qonun hujjatlarida belgilanadi.

ARM asosiy vazifalari bu: Universal axborot resurslarini, milliy va chet el nashrlari (bosma, audiovizual, elektron nashrlar va boshqalar) fondini shakllantirish, saqlash va berish.

FOYDALANUVCHILAR QUYIDAGI HUQUQLARGA EGA: ARM fondidan istalgan hujjatlarni vaqtincha foydalanish uchun olish, shuningdek mintaqaning AKMdan va boshqa kutubxonalardan hujjatlarning bosma yoki elektron nusxalarini hujjatlarni elektron vositasida etkazib berish tizimi orqali buyurtma qilish va olish.



Umumiy kitob fondi


O'quv Adabiyotlari


Badiy adabiyotlar


Ilmiy adabiyotlar


Boshqa adabiyotlar



Today, on February 5, within the framework of the "Korean Culture" week, an exhibition of Korean-language literature was organized in the Fund of the Information Resource Center of Urganch State University.

Along with the students, the employees of the Korean Language Center also participated in the exhibition. All the literature included in the exhibition is intended for use by students of Korean language education in the educational process, and these are educational literature, fiction litera ...

Admin 2025-02-05.


Today, December 19, the staff of the Information Resource Center and the tutor of the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences N.Ramazanova jointly held a roundtable discussion on the topic "Life is a priceless gift".

"Life- held a roundtable discussion on the topic "priceless blessing". During the conversation, the most valuable gift for a person is the gift of life. Information was given that time consists of minutes that cannot be returned, and that it should be used effectively. At the e ...

Admin 2024-12-19.


Historical, scientific and popular works were bought for the information resource center and a book exhibition was held.

Today, on December 16, for students to study and read the rich spiritual heritage of our history, the great discoveries left by our ancestors and the world-recognized inventions, Jumaboy Rakhimov's "Mirzo Ulug'bek, the ruler who sought space", "Amir Temur, the great sta ...

Admin 2024-12-16.


An exhibition of new literature in Braille was held for blind and visually impaired students studying at the university in various specialties and areas.

During the visit of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the Samarkand region on February 10, 2022 and to ensure the execution of the tasks during the meeting with the activists of the region, the Center for Higher Education Development Research of the Ministry of Higher Education, ...

Admin 2024-12-06.


December 8, on the occasion of the 32nd anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a literary and artistic evening was organized on the theme "Constitution - our happiness".

On the occasion of today's date, a literary-artistic evening was organized on the topic "Constitution - our happiness commune" with the participation of students of Jurisprudence education, group 241-242, on the initiative of the staff of the Information-Resource Center. Student ...

Admin 2024-12-05.


Today, November 29, a preventive event was organized in the Information Resource Center in connection with "December 1 - AIDS Day".

ARM employees organized a preventive event in connection with "December 1 - AIDS Day" with the participation of students of the 245-Mathematics department of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. The doctor of the regional AIDS center N. Matchonov was a guest and talked with the ...

Admin 2024-11-29.