№ | Subject | Name Of The Book | Author | Publishing House/Year | Level / ISBN | Number |
1 | Writing |
나의 한국어 바로 쓰기 노트
Write my Korean right away note |
남영신 Nam Youngshin |
까치 2006 Kkachi 2006 |
Intermediate-Advanced/ 8972913103 | download |
2 | Cultural | Korean cultural insights | Korean Tourism Organization | Advanced / | download | |
3 | IT | C언어 입문 초급 자편 Introduction to C language for beginners |
Haruhiko Hayashi | 영진탓컴.Y 2009 Youngjin.comY 2009 |
Advanced/ 9788931435557 | download |
4 | Literature | 원효대사 Grand master Wonhyo |
구석봉 Bong Guseog |
Kum Sung Publishing CO. LTD. 1988 | Advanced | download |
5 | Literature | 흥선대원군 Heungson Daewongun |
- | - | Advanced | download |
6 | History | 한국의 역사 | - | 국제교육진흉원 2004 | Advanced | download |
7 | Literature | 김구-Kim Gu | 김문수 / 김락준 Kim Moonsu / Kim Rakjun | [금성출판사 pub.] Kumsung Publishing | Advanced | download |
8 | Literature | 디슨 Edison | 오영민 Oh Youngmin |
Kum Sung Publishing CO. LTD. 1993 | Advanced ISBN 89-07-00843-4ISBN 89-07-90053-1 | download |
9 | Literature | 쑨원- Sun Yat-sen | 장 문 평-Jang Moon-pyeong 김낙준 - Kim Nakjun | (주) 금성출판사 Kumsung Publishing | Advanced | download |
10 | Literature | 갈릴레이-Galileo | 강 먼 - Gang Meon | Kum Sung Publishing CO. LTD. 1987 | Advanced | download |
11 | Literature | 난센-Nansen | 윤용성-YoonYongseong | Kum Sung Publishing CO. LTD. 1987 | Advanced | download |
12 | Literature | 안데르센-Andersen | 신경림 - Shim Gyeong-rim 김낙준 - Kim Nakjun | (주) 금성출판사 Kumsung Publishing | Advanced ISBN 89-07- 00832-9 ISBN 89-07- 90053-1 | download |
13 | Literature | 김대건-Daegun Kim | 박홍근 - Park Honggeun | 금성출판사 1982 Kumsung Publishing 1982 | Advanced | download |
14 | Literature | 방정환-JeonghwanBang | 박홍근 - Park Honggeun | 금성출판사 1982 Kumsung Publishing 1982 | Advanced | download |
15 | Literature | 베에토벤-Beethoven | 김상기-Kim Sangki | Kum Sung Publishing CO. LTD. 1987 | Advanced | download |
16 | Literature | 신사임당-ShinSaimdang | 김문수 - Moon Soo Kim 김낙준 - Kim Nakjun | (주) 금성출판사 Kumsung Publishing | Advanced | download |
17 | Literature | 퀴리부인-MadameCurie | 오영석-OhYoungseok | 금성출판사 1982 Kumsung Publishing 1982 | Advanced | download |
18 | History | 한국의 역사-Koreanhistory | - | Humin jeong-eum | ISBN 89-8472-099-2 | download |
19 | Reading Book | 죽은 엵겅 에게 보내는 걺은 Googler 의 편기 김태원- A letter from Googler Kim Tae-won to the dead Googler | 김태윈 - Kim Tae-Woon | Printed in Korea 2007 | Advanced ISBN 978- 89-92359- 10-8 | download |
20 | Literature | 장보고 - Jang Bogo | 구 석 봉 - Gue Seok-Bong 임종국 - Lim Jongguk | Kum Sung Publishing CO. LTD. 1984 | Advanced | download |
21 | English Vocabulary | TOEIC | - | 거북선 도서 출판 Geobukseon Book Publishing | Intermediate-Advanced/8979520565 | download |
22 | Literature | 밀레 -Millet | 민병산 Min Byeongsan | Kum Sung Publishing CO. LTD. 1987 | Advanced | download |
23 | Culture | 한국의 전통 마을을 가다 . - Visit a traditional Korean village. | 한필원 Han Pilwon | - | Advanced | download |
24 | Comic book | 교과서 낱말퍼즐1-1 Textbook word puzzle 1-1 | 방양재 - Bang Yangjae | 효리원 2011 Hyoriwon 2011 | Intermediate 9788983399694 | download |
25 | Comic book | 교과서 낱말퍼즐2-2 Textbook word puzzle 2-2 | 방양재 - Bang Yangjae | 효리원 2011 Hyoriwon 2011 | Intermediate 9788983399724 | download |
26 | Reading | 한국어 4 - Korean 4 | 엄넬리 - Umneli | (주) 교학사 공무부 - Kyohaksa Corporation's Ministry of Public Affairs | Intermediate | download |
27 | History of Korean Culture | 한국인의 생활 1 윤리민속 예졸편 영어판 - Korean Life 1 Ethical Folklore Preschool Graduation Edition English Version | 재외 국민용 - For overseas citizens | 교육 인적 자원부 국제 교육진흥원- International Education Promotion Agency, Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development | Intermediate | download |
28 | History | 조선 임금 잔혹사 - Joseon king's cruel history | 조민리 - Jo Minri | 경기도 성남시 분당구 야. Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do. | Advanced 9788997263752 | download |
29 | Literature | 모짜르트 - Mozart | 김낙준 - Kim Nakjun | (주) 금성출판사 Kumsung Publishing | Advanced | download |
30 | History | 그림 속의 음식, 음식 속의 역사 - Food in pictures, history in food | 주영하 - Joo Youngha | 사계절 2005 Sagyejeol 2005 | Advanced 89-5828-071-9 | download |
31 | History | 대한민국은 왜? Why Korea? | 김동춘 - Kim Dongchun | (주) 사계절출판사/2015 Sakyejul Publishing/2015 | Advanced 979-11-6094-688-8 03910 | download |
32 | Economy | Development and globalization in South Korea | Parh gul-Sceny | Korea university press | Advanced 9791191161878 | download |
33 | Comic book | 교과서 낱말퍼즐 - 3-1 Textbook word puzzle 3-1 | 방양재 - Bang Yangjae | 효리원 2009 Hyoriwon 2009 | Intermediate 9788983399731 | download |
34 | Children's literature | 북치는 곰과 이주종 동화나라 - A fairyland of drumming bears and migrating species... | 김동성 - Kim Dongseong | - | Advanced | download |
35 | Literature | 톨스토이 - Tolstoy | 잔문평 - Jan Munpyeong | Kum Sung Publishing CO. LTD. 1987 | Advanced | download |
36 | Literature | 휘트먼 - Whitman | 이원용 - Lee Wonyong | Kum Sung Publishing CO. LTD. 1987 | Advanced | download |
37 | Economics, Politics, Geography of Korean Culture | 한국인의 생활 2 지리 정치 경제 사회 문화편 영어판 - Korean Life 2 Geography, Politics, Economy, Society and Culture English Version | 재외 국민용 - For overseas citizens | 교육 인적 자원부 국제 교육진흥원 International Education promotion Agency, Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development | Advanced | download |
38 | Language Aspects | 한국어 회화 2 - Korean Conversation 2 | 대한민국 교육인적자 원부 Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development, Republic of Korea | 한국교육 과정평가원 국제 교육 진흥원 -Korea Institute of Curriculum and Evaluation International Education Promotion Agency | Elementary 8984720984 | download |
39 | History | 미래로 여는 역사 - History that opens to the future | - | 2005 | Advanced | download |
40 | History | An Easy guide to Korean History | 신형식 - Sin Hyeongsik | 사단법인 해외 한 번룩 - a corporation overseas | Advanced | download |
41 | Comic book | 교과서 낱말퍼즐2-1 Textbook word puzzle 2-1 | 방양재 - Bang Yangjae | 효리원 2011 - Hyoriwon 2011 | Intermediate 978892810168-9 | download |
42 | History | 유림 - Yurim | 최인호 - Choi Inho | 도사출판 열림원 / 2015 Tosa Publishing House | Advanced | download |
43 | Language Aspects | 한국어 고급 - Korean Advanced | 정상기 - Jeong Sanggi | 대한민국 과학 기술부 NIIED 국립 국제 교육원 - NIIED National Institute of International Education, Ministry of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea | Advanced | download |
44 | History | A new history of Korea | Ki-baik Lee | Chongui lligue | Advanced 978893370204 | download |
45 | Reading | 한국어 3 - Korean 3 | 엄넬리 - Umneli | (주) 교학사 공무부 - Kyohaksa Corporation's Ministry of Public Affairs | Beginner | download |
46 | Culture& History (magazine) | Свадьба: узы брака по корейски (Koreana) | - | LTI Korea. Весна 2017 TOM 13 | Advanced | download |
47 | Reading and Language Aspects | 한국어 5 - Korean 5 | 대한민국 교육인 적자분 - Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development, Republic of Korea | 한국 교육과정 평가원 국제 교육진흥원 - Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation International Education Promotion Agency | Intermediate 8984725773 | download |
48 | Reading and Language Aspects | 한국어 1 - Korean 1 | 대한민국 교육인 적자분 - Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development, Republic of Korea | 한국 교육과정 평가원 국제 교육진흥원 - Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation International Education Promotion Agency | Beginner 8984720941 | download |
49 | Reading and Language Aspects | 한국어 7 - Korean 7 | 대한민국 교육인 적자분 - Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development, Republic of Korea | 한국 교육과정 평가원 국제 교육진흥원 - Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation International Education Promotion Agency | Advanced 8959313033 | download |
50 | Reading and Language Aspects | 한국어 8 - Korean 8 | 대한민국 교육인 적자분 - Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development, Republic of Korea | 대한민국 교육 과학 기술부 국립 국제 교육원 - National Institute of International Education, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Republic of Korea | Advanced 8959313041 | download |
51 | Language Aspects | 한국어 (입문) - Introduction to Korean | 국립 국제 교육원 윤회원 - The National Center for International Education | 대한민국 과학 기술부 NIIED 국립 국제 교육원 - NIIED National Institute of International Education, Ministry of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea | Beginner | download |
52 | Language Aspects | 한국어 (중급) - Korean Intermediate | 이수택 - Lee SooTaek | 대한민국 과학 기술부 NIIED 국립 국제 교육원 - NIIED National Institute of International Education, Ministry of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea | Intermediate | download |
53 | Culture | 정승희와 함께 배우 - Actor with Seunghee Jeong | Chung Seung Hee | Overseas Koreans foundation | Advanced | download |
54 | Reading and Language Aspects | 배우기 쉬운 한국어 Easy to learn Korean | 성균어학원- the School of Staphylococcus aureus | 성균관대학교 출판국 2007 Sungkyunkwan University Press Bureau 2007 | Intermediate 978897986658-2 | download |
55 | Dictionary | 어서와! 한국 문화는 처음이치? - Korean culture dictionary | Woo Sung Kag | New Ampersand | Advanced 9791188195633 | download |
56 | IT | 손경락의 After Effects CS3 - hand meridian After Effects CS3 | IT 계획팀 - IT Planning Team | YoungJin.comY | Advanced/ 9788931436976 | Download |
57 | IT | C언어 300 제 - C language class 300 | 김은철 - Kim Euncheol | 정보문화사 - Information Culture History | Advanced/ 895674219-7 | Download |
58 | History | Fragrance of Korea | - | Korea Foundation | Advanced / 898609024493630 | Download |
59 | Reading and Language Aspects | 한국어 6 - Korean 6 | 대한민국 교육인 적자분 - Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development, Republic of Korea | 한국 교육과정 평가원 국제 교육진흥원 - Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation International Education Promotion Agency | Intermediate//8984725781 | Download |
60 | Reading and Language Aspects | 한국어 4 서울대학교 언어 교육원 - Korean 2nd edition Language Education Institute Seoul National University | 김필배 Kim Pilbae | (주) 문진미디어 MoonJin Media Co. LTD | Intermediate/ 9788953908925 | Download |
61 | History | Коре сарам: Кто мы? | Хан Валерий Сергеевич | Фотолетопис в кор. Када | Advanced | Download |
62 | IT | 워드 쉽게 배우기 2007 - Learn Word Easy 2007 | 박민재 - Park Minjae | YoungJin.comY | Advanced/ 9788931436259 | Download |
63 | Literature | 덕혜옹주 - Princess Deokhye | 권비영/ 김선식 | Dasanbooks / 2022 | Advanced / 979-11-30606392 | Download |
64 | Reading and Language Aspects | 한국어 1 재외동포용 교재 중급 영어권 - Korean 1 Intermediate English textbook for overseas Koreans | 재외동포용 교재 Textbook for overseas Koreans | 교육 인적 자원부 국제 교육진흥원 International Education promotion Agency, Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development | Intermediate | Download |
65 | Korean Vocabulary | Your first Hanja Guide | Talk to me in Korean Kong & Park | Kong&Park USA INC 2022 | Advanced/ 978163519008-3 | Download |
66 | Reading and Language Aspects | 한국어 2 - 서울대학교 언어 교육원 - Korean 2nd edition Language Education Institute Seoul National University | 김필배 Kim Pilbae | (주) 문진미디어 MoonJin Media Co. LTD | Beginner/ 9788953902251 | Download |
67 | IT | 사운드 포즈 9 - sound pose 9 | 최이진 - Choi Lee Jin | 노하우스 도서 출판 • No House Book Publishing | Advanced/ 9788996071402 | Download |
68 | Literature | 이순신 - Admiral Yi | 장수철 - Jang Soocheol | Kum Sung Publishing CO. LTD. 1987 | Advanced | Download |
69 | Comic book | 교과서 낱말퍼즐3-2 Textbook word puzzle 3-2 | 방양재 - Bang Yangjae | 효리원 2010 - Hyoriwon 2010 | Intermediate/ 9788928100132 | Download |
70 | Literature | 삼국지 - Three Kingdoms | 배수진 - Bae Sujin | 한국출판유통 - Korean publishing distribution | Advanced / 89-0103-3542 | Download |
71 | Reading | 한국어 2 - Korean 2 | 엄넬리 - Umneli | (주) 교학사 공무부 - Kyohaksa Corporation's Ministry of Public Affairs | Beginner | Download |
72 | History | 이야기 한국사 - story korean history | 이현희 - Lee Hyunhee | 청아출판사 2020 - Cheonga Publishing House 2010 | Advanced / 978-89-368-1158-7 | Download |
73 | IT | 모션고선생의 After Effects. Motion Go Teacher’s | 고창민 - Go Changmin | Moko San Com/2009 | Advanced | Download |
74 | Culture | 우즈베크 이야기 - Uzbek story | Makhmakulova Yayra Qudratovna | 도서출판 생각나눔 2014 Saenggaknanum Book Publishing 2014 | Advanced / 978-89-6489-339-5 | Download |
75 | Dictionary | 노한 사전 - an old-fashioned dictionary | Mazur Y.N Nikolskiy L.B | 외국어 도서 전문 문예림 출판 1988 Mun Yerim Publishing, specializing in foreign language books, 1988 | Advanced/ 8974820676 | Download |
76 | Reading and Language Aspects | 배우기 쉬운 한국어 - Easy to learn Korean | 성균어학원 - the School of Staphylococcus aureus | 성균관대학교 출판국 2007 • Sungkyunkwan University Press Bureau 2007 | Upper-Intermediate/9788979866599 | Download |
77 | Reading and Language Aspects | 한국어 회화 1 - Korean Conversation 1 | 대한민국 교육인 적자 원부 - Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development, Republic of Korea | 한국교육 과정평가원 국제 교육 진흥원 - Korea Institute of Curriculum and Evaluation International Education Promotion Agency | Beginner/ 8984720976 | Download |
78 | History | A Korean History for international readers | The Association of Korean History Teachers | 연남 책빵 | ISBN 979116080705904910 | Download |
79 | Reading and Language Aspects | 한국어 1 Student’s Book | 임웅, Lim Woong | 교육부, Ministry of Education | ISBN 9791168883123 | Download |
80 | Reading and Language Aspects | 한국어 1 Workbook | 임웅, Lim Woong | 교육부, Ministry of Education | ISBN 9791168883130 | Download |
81 | Reading and Language Aspects | 한국어 2 Student’s Book | 임웅, Lim Woong | 교육부, Ministry of Education | ISBN 9791168883154 | Download |
82 | Reading and Language Aspects | 한국어 2 Workbook | 임웅, Lim Woong | 교육부, Ministry of Education | ISBN 9791168883161 | Download |
83 | Reading and Language Aspects | 한국어 3 Student’s Book | 임웅, Lim Woong | 교육부, Ministry of Education | ISBN 9791168883185 | Download |
84 | Reading and Language Aspects | 한국어 3 Workbook | 임웅, Lim Woong | 교육부, Ministry of Education | ISBN 9791168883192 | Download |
85 | Reading and Language Aspects | 한국어 4 Workbook | 임웅, Lim Woong | 교육부, Ministry of Education | ISBN 9791168883222 | Download |
86 | Reading and Language Aspects | 한국어 5 Student’s Book | 임웅, Lim Woong | 교육부, Ministry of Education | ISBN 9791168883246 | Download |
87 | Reading and Language Aspects | 한국어 5 Workbook | 임웅, Lim Woong | 교육부, Ministry of Education | ISBN 9791168883253 | Download |
88 | Reading and Language Aspects | 한국어 6 Student’s Book | 임웅, Lim Woong | 교육부, Ministry of Education | ISBN 9791168883278 | Download |
89 | Reading and Language Aspects | 한국어 6 Workbook | 임웅, Lim Woong | 교육부, Ministry of Education | ISBN 9791168883284 | Download |